More Than Just a Place to Stay

Joie de Vivre Retreat

Cover Teressena

Your path of Joy

Welcome teachers, healers, wisdom-keepers, luminaries and creative beings! You are invited to replenish and renew… to mourish and nurture… to relax and BE. Beacons of Love offer an inspiring and peaceful space for personal retreat.

When you wish time away to focus on your own inner work, or to expand your dreams and envision the next chapter…  let us assist you to step outside of time and space and enter Retreat Bliss.

Required for growth and plentiful is water, the Mediterranean welcomes you. The Alberes or foothills of the Pyrenees are the strong backbone to lean on. The light often overlooked is the chi, permeating all layers and like the weaver with warp and a weft brings it all together. So our offering is to help you create the Alchemy in your life enabling to grow anew year after year. The Blessings of the Pays D’Oc and Catalan culture a delicate fertiliser in your already rich life. 


(033) 784675005

” Inner Peace is guided by your intuition, held in your heart and known by your soul.

It is a matter of resonance with your true essence.”

Teressena, Your Host

A space in-between

Breathe Peace

The moment between inbreath and out-breath, between doing and being. A space to actually take a full measure of your life and create anew a path of joy of wonder.