Beacons of love

Shining Light in a Changing World

Cosmic Odyssey

Soon we start the Cosmic Odyssey Book study, For all who wish mor info peruse this page or contact us

Cosmic Odyssey header

The Inspiration…

We are on a collective heroes’ journey, embarking on a quest for a way beyond. Beyond what once was, beyond what has been, beyond what we may perceive. A cosmic adventure, if you will, that expands our sense of who we are in a multi-dimensional universe.  Cosmic Odyssey is an allegory of awakened archetypes that presents a new mythology of who we are becoming..that creates the space for us to evolve as a new type of human being. 

Presenting a Visionary Fiction Novel…

Cosmic Odyssey is the story of two 17 year old twins, a homeless brother and sister, who must overcome their own limited thoughts and beliefs about who they are and what is real. They leave behind what is familiar and venture into the unknown. They embark on a quest that leads them through the Veil of Illusion, thePassage of Time and the Gateway Beyond. 

an epic adventure….

Along the way they meet guides who share their knowledge and assist them on their quest. As they experience other realms they are able to shift their myopic perspective and embrace a planetary and cosmic understanding of their true self. Their hearts are opened to an all-encompassing love and they realize their potential as active co-creators in a grand new age.

The Collective Heroes’ Journey….

We are in a grand ascension process creating a new paradigm, creating a new age. Cosmic Odyssey is a Visionary Fiction Novel that helps us perceive of who we are, not only as individuals on this earthly journey through life…
but also as cosmic beings on a grand collective adventure, defining a new age.

Visionary Novel

Beautiful foil-embossed, hard cover, book.
Story book style with 185 full-color glossy pages and vellum inserts.
A visual and tactile delight! 
Story is followed by the author’s commentary on the collective heroes’ journey. 

Awakened Archetypes Oracle Deck

Based on the book Elle & Grin’s Cosmic Odyssey, this oracle deck presents a set of awakened archetypes with dynamic energies and insightful guidance relevant to the new paradigm evolving at this time. A potent tool for those who seek change within and without in this grand co-creation! 

Contains 31 full-color, foil-edged cards and 85 page booklet in a velvet pouch.
22 awakened archetypes, 3 realm cards, 3 gateway cards and 3 sygil cards.

Cosmic Odyssey Card Images

When interested in joining the Book club, yet you love to have the Beautiful Embossed Hard cover in Hand you can

order here